Thursday, October 18, 2012

Poetry: Anomaly with the Rock

Saint Peter your Cloak
Black as ashen oak,
Withdrawn from the Closet
Your Chamber of Secret.

In twilight

While hues ignite
That seeks to burn the castle
Of a dozen archaic apostle
 St. Peter you'll and shall take flight
Ala-Thanatos with his Scythe.

O Rocky, O Rocky!
O Peter, O Peter!
Do you hide behind
The whiteness of your kind?
For you have been the rock
From which the kingdom cropped.

Are you merely a saint?
Or an Angel jet black?
Are you the escort of Death?
Or are you death?
Do you have a heart as rock as you are?
Or do you even have a heart?

Babysit the Candle light,
Make sure it gleams bright,
For when it turns faint
Scorn you for spilling glum paint.

Saint Peter
Can I ask?
Are you death?

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